Nature Heals the Healer 2024

An Ecotherapy Group for Psychotherapists, Counselors, and Health Care Practitioners

As healers, we give so much to our clients and patients. It’s our passion and brings meaning to our lives. But it also can be exhausting, overwhelming, and at times, lead to burnout.

It’s essential that we renew ourselves consistently. Nature and community are powerful ways to support that renewal: Nature Heals the Healer is a group that offers you a safe, supportive space, with others who “get it”, for your own nourishment, restoration, and inspiration.

Nature Heals the Healer is a monthly, in-person, 3-month journey through our renewal as healers. Be filled by the healing power of deep nature connection and ecotherapy, feel like you belong, and reconnect to the Divine and your True Self.

A goup of people with their hands resting on a tree trunk
Each month, we immerse in the beauty and blessings of nature as a community, and also solitary, in silence. Together, we journey through 3 passages of our own healing – 3 ways of experiencing the world, ourselves, and the Divine:


  • All beings on this planet live on the Earth – the soil beneath our feet. The soil and the ground are our groundedness, stability, and nourishment. Rooting down and connecting with the Earth is essential to restoring ourselves as therapists and human beings.  
  • As we consciously walk, sit, and lie down on the Earth, we can connect intimately with the natural world and come into the Present. We’ll explore these ways of feeling connected with the planet and each other through the ground beneath us and what treasures and new awareness await us through looking down (or feeling downward), below us in a creek or on the forest floor. 


  • Just above our heads, high in the canopy of the trees, or in the expanse of the sky, there is much activity in nature. We’ll use our senses – as always – to connect us to the Above, and to ponder the vastness of the universe. Through this we expand our sense of space, making more room for healthy Self in our lives.
  • We’ll also learn how to stay connected to the ground and our footsteps while expanding awareness above and beyond our periphery, and how to know what is above us by looking below us. The Divine interconnects everything, both below and above.


  • Inside us is where we feel connection, compassion, resonance, Oneness. We’ll pay attention to our inner responses to the natural world around us, and also to our connection or resonance with others. 
  • How are we like the tree, the bird, the creek, the banana slug, and how can we learn from them? What facilitates connection with all beings and the Divine? Find your inner Natural Self that is already part of the forest, the planet, and all of creation, that experiences connection in the community and a grounded sense of self and spirit within.

Ecotherapy group forming a circle in a meadow

We’ll journey through the end of summer into the fall, cultivating our relationship with the land and its Beings, and deepening our sense of belonging here on the Earth. It results in a feeling of belonging in community and deep connection to all life. This deep connection – to ourselves, each other, the Earth, and Spirit – are the pillars of the healing journey.


Each session will have:

  • group processes and/or small group/dyad explorations
  • deep nature connection practices
  • body movement or sensory awareness
  • quiet, solo time with the land

Open to all genders in the healing professions: psychotherapists, counselors, and health care practitioners (doctors, acupuncturists, etc.). In person, on the San Francisco Bay Peninsula in Woodside, CA.

Dates and Times

Saturday mornings, 9am-12pm (3 hours, with optional time from 12-1pm to have lunch together – bring your lunch with you!), 1st or second Saturday of the month (depending on holidays):

  • Saturday, September 14th
  • Saturday, October 5th
  • Saturday, November 2nd

(It is strongly preferred you attend all 3 sessions, but 2 of the 3 sessions is also available for previous attendees of Rev. Connie’s Ecotherapy events.)

Nature Heals the Healer 2023 group photo with nature mandala

This is a closed, committed group (Maximum 12 members) – no drop-ins, so we journey deeply together in our growth, healing, and awakening. It is not a psychotherapy group, but an intimate group of peers facilitated for your support and renewal as a healer caring for so many others.

Because of this deep exploration together and with nature, you’ll experience more:
– Peace
– Ease in your body
– Renewed energy and aliveness
– Inspiration
– Authenticity, being your True Self
– Feeling of “coming home” within the group and the natural world
– Connection to the Divine
– Fresh ideas for your healing practice
– Ability to bring your best self to your family, friends, clients, and your life


Nature Heals the Healer is intended to be available to anyone called to be part of this community of healers, nurturing ourselves. Here is how I can make it as affordable as possible.

Pay what you can. Choose from these two options:

Foundational rate –  Pay this if you are able to afford it, and give foundational support to your fellow healers.

  • $85/session, $255 total for the 3 sessions

Equity rate – For anyone who feels this is more appropriate for their income; especially for trainees, associates, and also historically marginalized communities.

  • $55/session, $165 total for the 3 sessions

Both options include a 15 minute initial phone consultation and park admission in the fee ($6.00).

You are welcome in this space just for us healers – it’s time to attend to your needs, and cultivate the deep connection to this planet and one another that renews and feeds your soul. Join us to experience how Nature Heals the Healer.

Your Facilitator – Rev. Connie L. Habash, LMFT, Ecotherapist)

Rev. Connie L. Habash, MA, LMFT  is an author, spiritual mentor, interfaith minister, yoga & meditation teacher, psychotherapist, ecotherapist, and seasoned group facilitator. She values authentic, inspiring, heart-centered, and nurturing community. Rev. Connie is committed to sharing simple and accessible spirituality, presence, and deep nature connection through her retreats, online courses, workshops, and individual sessions.

For more information, email her: Connie (at) or call 650-996-2649

Rev. Connie with ecotherapy group sitting in the forest

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